In the first few months after birth, everything is new and exciting for your baby. From feeding to sleeping habits, there’s a lot to discover. Introducing the bottle is one of the important milestones on this journey, but it can also be a challenge. It’s important to understand that sucking from a bottle requires a completely different technique to breastfeeding.
Your baby will need to get used to the new experience first, and it may take some time before they feel comfortable with the bottle. The sucking technique is different and the transition can be difficult for some babies. Patience and sensitivity are therefore required.
It is advisable to start introducing the bottle in a calm moment, without distractions or stress. Sit down with your baby in a relaxed atmosphere and take your time to gently offer him the bottle. For some children, it may take several attempts before they accept the bottle and get used to it. Other babies may temporarily refuse the bottle, and this is completely normal.
It is important that you do not take any hasty measures and always pay attention to your baby’s needs. The introduction of the bottle should be a gentle transition that is tailored to your baby’s individual preferences and pace. With patience and love, you can ensure that your little one gradually gets used to the bottle and continues to be well fed.
What to do if your baby refuses the bottle?
You can try to take turns with your partner or another trusted person. Sometimes it helps if it is not the mother who gives the bottle but the father, grandmother or another trusted person. Changing positions can also help. Bear in mind that your child must first get used to the bottle. Sometimes it also helps to use a different teat. Talk to a lactation consultant or midwife. They can give you further tips.
Source: Feeding babies and infants,, accessed on 10.07.2023